W17 Waste recycling and waste management solutions
Workshop17 The Bank
The Bank building which includes the voco Hotel, Proud Mary and Workshop17 has a rather unique system in place. BioBin along with WastePlan work together to ensure that general recycling and organic waste are diverted from landfill.
The building has a general waste area where all recycling is collected and separated into wet and dry waste. The general recyclable waste is then fetched by Waste Plan who collects recycling for the entire zone and the organic waste collected by BioBin. A BioBin is a composting system that houses all food and organic waste which is collected then sent to a registered compost site.
The general recycling is taken by WastePlan and sent to the zone’s recycling area so that it can be separated and baled along with the recycling produced by the entire zone.
A BioBin is a composting system that houses all food and organic waste which is collected then sent to a registered compost site.
Collections are done on an adhoc basis depending on need.
All general recycling is separated off-site by WastePlan.
Because the waste is collected for the entire zone records are not provided specific to Workshop17.
Workshop17 Firestation
The Workshop17 Firestation’s waste management is housed in the basement of the building in their recycling unit.
Our recycled waste is collected and facilitated by City Recyclers.
The recycling is sent to different local end users depending on the different materials. City Recyclers simply separates the recycling on site and then delivers it to the end users.
Collections are done on an adhoc basis depending on need.
it is separated on site by a City Recycler staff member.
Spire, our property managers receive reports of all the collected recycling.
Workshop17 West Street
Workshop17 West Street’s waste is redistributed to the recycling unit in the building. Workshop17 has an appointed bin.
It is collected on a weekly basis by a designated recycling company, Whole Earth.
The separated waste goes to specific end users, ie paper goes back to the paper mills.
The recycled waste is collected weekly.
It is separated at their warehouse in Randburg, by a community development programme, called Hawk Flight. These sorters made up of 24 strong community members generate a daily income from separating the waste in a safe environment - they successfully divert 120 tons of recyclable waste from landfills every month.
W17 will be implementing a report system, where the waste is weighed and a monthly report is generated for full transparency on the generated waste.
Workshop17 Watershed
Our waste is collected and recycled by the V&A Waterfront waste management program.
It is collected by Waste Plan who collects the recyclable waste for the entire V&A as well as the Watershed building which includes Workshop17.
Waste is taken to their Waste Recovery Centre situated at East Pier next to the helipad and is then taken by their external recycling collector who ensures the recycling is reused.
Waste is moved from the bins daily.
The waste collected at the Watershed common refuse area. They have three belts that they run to do the site sorting of recyclables and one belt for organics. This allows them to divert waste from going to the landfill.
The recycling is weighed by Waste Plan who then sends reports showing how much recycling was collected.
Workshop17 Kloof Street
All recycled waste is collected from the recycling bin station which are placed throughout the location. This waste is then redistributed to the designated Regenize bin which is located outside of the building.
Workshop17 Kloof has appointed Regenize to collect the recyclable waste.
Once the recycling materials have been properly sorted, they are sent to a company called Third Element for sale. The proceeds from the sales are then distributed to the waste pickers who have partnered with Regenize.
The recycled waste is collected weekly.
Regenize has implemented a system for sorting recyclables at free decentralised hubs located in Kewtown, Tambo Village, Hanover Park, and Bridgetown areas.
To ensure transparency, Regenize maintains a database where they record the number of bags and the weight of recyclables received after each collection. Additionally, customers have the option to check the amount they have recycled through their dedicated customer portal. To date we have recycled 148kg of waste and saved a total of 315 Kg of CO2 at Workshop17 Kloof.
Workshop17 Tabakhuis
Tabakhuis’s recycling is collected by Wyko Recycling.
All recycling is then baled and sent to the end user where it is used to manufacture new products.
The recyclable waste is sent to the Wyko Recycling bale in Paarl where a floor is dedicated to hand sorting the recycling.
The recycled waste is collected on an adhoc basis depending on the load.
All recycling is weighed upon collection.
Workshop17 Newlands
Excellerate Real Estate Services collects the recycling for the entire Newlands Cricket Ground. Together the entire office park is involved in a Zero waste to Landfill initiative.
The recycling material is then sent to a recovery area and after being weighed it is transported to a materials holding area so that the recycling can be baled, organic waste can be transported for composting and any additional waste is compacted to be sent to landfill.
Recycling is separated at the source so people are encouraged to dispose waste in the correct bins.
Before recycling is sent to the materials holding area it gets weighed for reporting.