Our Partners
We work with partners that also work for you
Workshop17 partners with ecosystem players who are carefully selected for their contribution to building innovation, entrepreneurship, and lifestyle. Together with the members at Workshop17, these partners bring our community to life by adding tremendous value through their events, workshops, seminars, and internships, all accessible to our members.
eBucks with FNB and RMB Private Banking
eBucks and Workshop17 have partnered to give FNB and RMB Private Bank clients the ability to pay for Workshop17 services using their eBucks. Whether you’re a business owner, an invidiual or a Workshop17 member you can now SPEND your eBucks on the Workshop17 platform for all your workspace needs, from; meeting rooms, hot desking, to eventing
V&A Waterfront
Workshop17, along with the V&A Waterfront, have partnered to design, build and manage Workshop17. With the vision of developing solutions for Africa, the collaborative community of 400 members comprises of large organisations, corporates, startups and individuals alike. The V&A Waterfront is a mixed-use development comprising residential and commercial property, hotels, retail stores, dining, leisure and entertainment facilities. Spanning 123 hectares, it’s a space where you can work, live, eat and play.
Heavy Chef
The name comes from the term 'never trust a skinny chef.' Heavy Chef learned some valuable lessons from this simple phrase and so decided to register it as a company. The name stands for integrity, honesty, grit, sticktoitness and roll-up-your-sleeve-ity. It stands for action, for doing. Heavy Chef makes a difference to the lives that they touch directly, whether inside a business or via an entirely new initiative. Heavy Chef inspires their community members to break through their fears. To get off their couches, turn off their screens and connect with others and to become entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs. Giving them the opportunity to start something.
Property Point
Property Point is the enterprise development initiative created by Growthpoint Properties, South Africa’s largest JSE-listed property company. Property Point is dedicated to unlocking opportunities for SMEs operating in South Africa’s property sector.
Established in 2008, Property Point has been a proud catalyst for successful enterprise development. Our carefully developed two-year programme provides entrepreneurs with the skills, training and personal development support they need to develop their enterprises into fully independent companies.
We are a region of unlimited potential. And this translates into unlimited opportunity. Whether you’re interested in travel, investment, film or exporting, Cape Town and the Western Cape have something for you. Wesgro, the official tourism, trade and investment promotion agency for Cape Town and the Western Cape, can help you uncover these opportunities.
Flux Trends
Flux Trends distills the barrage of information hurled at us in the digital era. We identify and analyse macro trends (everything from politics, religion, youth culture, media, entertainment and technology) that influence social dynamics and therefore, our business interactions.
Flux Trends is not your usual trends forecasting agency. We look at what’s happening in the world, right here, right now, enabling you to make quick, short-term strategies in a world that is constantly in a state of FLUX.
We join the dots for you so your business can stay ahead of the curve.
Workshop17 and the Branson Centre for Entrepreneurship have partnered together to bring you a state-of-the-art sound and video recording space, Studio17 at Workshop17 Kloof.
Studio17 offers the perfect platform for entrepreneurs to create content, inspire others while sharing advice and business ideas.
Allan Gray Orbis Foundation
The Allan Gray Orbis Foundation invests in the education and development of individuals with entrepreneurial potential within Southern Africa. They believe that the curious, driven and responsibly minded young people are capable of significantly, positively, and permanently impacting the economic lives of the communities, cities, and possibly even the country they operate in.
The Foundation takes a holistic approach to entrepreneurship development and there are three critical aspects: the person in whom we cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset, the practice of developing entrepreneurial skills and competencies, and the context of understanding the African and global ecosystems.